

Terrible idea for a tire rack...- What's In the News

Donald - TX - Admin

Joined: 4/1/2023 Posts: 32

4/28/2023 4:46:37 AM #1

Elk Finally Has Tire Removed From Its Neck After 2 Years – But He Were Forced to Remove His Antlers

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Travis - TX

Joined: 4/2/2023 Posts: 216

4/28/2023 7:38:56 AM #2

You have to cook tires a long time before they start tasting good.

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Donald - TX - Admin

Joined: 4/1/2023 Posts: 32

4/28/2023 8:01:50 AM #3

Good to know, never cooked tire before. I'll need to marinate it for a while I imagine. 🤔 

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